Zebra arpeggiator and microtuning

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So in zebra. If I enable mtsEsp and attempt to use the arpeggiator, it makes "an octave" equivalent to "12 scale steps" regardless of the size of those steps. This can be cool in some cases and it can be counter productive in many more cases. When setting an arp to "x octaves" I expect a doubling of the frequency for each octave as "octave" is a reasonably well defined term. I was wondering if you could maybe add an "octave size" parameter (in frequency ratio or some other scaling factor) to the arp or any other way to ensure that if I hold down 3 notes, regardless of the tuning system I'm using, and the arp is set to "2 octaves" I will hear those notes spread across 2 octaves and not just 24 scale degrees.

I can see how cool things could be do e if you make the octave setting variable or switchable between 12 steps and double frequency, but have "octave=doubled frequency" is kind of a must have for an arpeggiator to me.

I'm only nitpicking this heavily because I enjoy and use zebra so much.


Edit: I haven't checked out this behavior in your other synths, but having all your arpeggiators "microtuning friendly" would be grand. I also didn't check out how it behaves when using the old microtuning systems. I hardly used any microtonal stuff before MTS-ESP made it so easy.
Don't F**K with Mr. Zero.


Any MTS-ESP users here?

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